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VHS-400 확산 펌프 PN L8912301용 Agilent Varian 열 스위치 키트

부품 번호:
  Full Manufacturer's Warranty


판매: ₩419,113.60

VHS-400 확산 펌프 PN L8912301용 Agilent Varian 열 스위치 키트 419113.6
통화: South Korean Won (KRW)


Agilent Varian VHS-400, 확산 펌프 열 스위치 키트.
애질런트 Varian PN L8912301

이것은 열 스위치 키트입니다. Agilent Varian VHS-400 확산 펌프에 적합합니다. 배플 고정 링의 위치는 아래 항목 #7(분해도 및 부품 그림)을 참조하십시오.

이 열 스위치 키트에는 다음이 포함됩니다.
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Specification Value
Pumping Speed, Operating Range 4,500 l/s air, 5,625 l/s He/H₂
Maximum Pumping Speed 8,000 l/s air w/standard cold cap
Maximum Throughput 3.3 T-l/s (8.4 mbar-l/s) in operating range, 7.5 T-l/s (10.0 mbar-l/s) @ 0.01 Torr
Operating Range 1.4x10⁻³ to < 5x10⁻⁹ Torr at 4,400 W. (1.9 x 10⁻³ to < 6.5 x 10⁻⁹ mbar)
Maximum Forepressure No Load: 0.65 Torr (0.85 mbar)
Full Load: 0.55 Torr (0.72 mbar)
Recommended Backing Pump ≥ 30 cfm (51 m³/hr)
Backstreaming Rate < 1.0 x 10⁻⁴ mg/cm²/min (with standard cold cap)
Warmup Time 15 minutes
Cooldown Time 25 minutes (with quick cool coil)
Fluid Charge 1,000 cc
Electrical Requirements 3 ph, 50/60 Hz, 208/380/480 VAC
Pump Power 4,400 Watts
Cooling Water Requirements 0.40 gpm (80 l/h)
Water Connections ⅛ in. FPT Tee

VHS-400 Diffusion Pump Replacement Parts List

Description Part No. Item
Standard Cold Cap Assembly K4823301 1
Jet Assembly F0428401 2
Jet Coupling L6367301 3
Splash Baffle F0431301 4
Foreline Baffle Assembly F0435301 5
Sight Glass Repair Kit consisting of: L8908301 6
   Sight Glass L8816001 5.1
   Gasket, Teflon L9694001 5.1
   O-ring, Viton, Parker No. 2-113 CommI 5.1
   O-ring, Viton, Parker No. 2-226 CommI 5.1
Thermal Switch Includes: L8912301 7
   Switch (set at 300 °F – 147 °C) 642906025 7a
   Lug 648056680 7b
   Wire 656179100 7c
   Box Insulator 89867001 7d
Heater wire, 10 AWG, 42 inches (3 per pump required) X3901-68003 8
Heater Wiring Kit, Includes: L8913301
   15 ft. wire L8913301 5.1
   Nickel lug 648056680 5.1
   Terminal Strip Molex 39100-1512 648091065 5.1
Heaters (two heaters required per pump) 9
   208 V / 2200 watt Heater Element 647310140 5.1
   240 V / 2200 watt Heater Element, 1Ph 647310150 5.1
   380 V / 2200 watt Heater Element 647310160 5.1
480 V / 2200 watt Heater Element, wired open Delta, unbalanced load 647310170 5.1
   208 V / 2550 watt Heater Element 647310145 5.1
   240 V / 2550 watt Heater Element, 1Ph 647310155 5.1
   380 V / 2550 watt Heater Element, wired open Delta, unbalanced load 647310165 5.1
480 V / 2550 watt Heater Element, wired open Delta, unbalanced load 647310175 5.1
Heater Crush Plate (replace when either heater is replaced) K7667001 10
Heater Clamping Plate A36 Steel K4928001 11
Heater Clamping Plate Retrofit, Slotted R2667301
Heater Insulation Blanket L8914001 12
Heater Cover L8903301 13
Viton Centering ring for ISO inlet flange, 400K 15
Centering ring for ISO foreline flange ISO-63K IC063SV 16
O-Ring Kit includes: K0377189
   1 inlet flange O-ring, Butyl No. 2-385 F0430001 15
   1 foreline flange O-ring, Butyl No. 2-338 660893338 16
   10 Viton fill and drain O-rings (Old style), Viton No. 2-112 5.1
   10 Viton fill and drain O-rings (new style, Parker No. 2-113 5.1
   1 Sight glass O-ring, Parker No. 2-226 5.1
   1 PTFE gasket 5.1
Included with the pump: 5.1
   1 inlet flange O-ring, Butyl No. 2-385 F0430001 5.1
   1 Butyl foreline flange O-ring, Butyl No. 2-338 660893338 5.1
   13/8 Hose 1/8 Pipe Barbed Connectors 264301102 5.1
DC-702 diffusion pump fluid, 500 cc (2 required) 695472005
DC-704 diffusion pump fluid, 500 cc (2 required) 695474005
DC-705 diffusion pump fluid, 500 cc (2 required) 695475005
Installation and Operation Manual 699901021

Kit Components

Availability Of Kit Components 2

Kit: P106970 - VHS-400 확산 펌프 PN L8912301용 Agilent Varian 열 스위치 키트
No Component Description Available On Website
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5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, 뉴 멕시코 87109-5805 USA

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