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 Ideal Vacuum Kits And Parts PN


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Product Description

Sale Price

 90007049 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BRANCO, ISO, 63, S/S R$636.89
 90007090 Conexões FTG, BRAÇADEIRA, GARRA DBL, ISO, 63-250 R$122.40
 90007115 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 63 TO 25, S/S R$1,188.97
 90007116 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 63 A 40, S/S R$1,468.29
 90007138 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, FURADO, ISO, 63, S/S R$694.79
 90007139 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, ISO, 63, S/S R$2,203.22
 90007173 Conexões FTG, CTR RING, ISO, 63, Buna & S/S R$509.20
 90007203 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, ISO, 63, S/S R$2,001.37
 90007207 Conexões FTG, TEE, ISO, 63, S/S R$2,567.51
 90008002 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 80 A 40, S/S R$1,720.01
 90008003 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 80 A 50, S/S R$1,773.42
 90008012 Conexões Ftg, Flange, Giratório, ISO 80, SS R$909.83
 90008015 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BRANCO, ISO, 80, S/S R$778.85
 90008016 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, FURADO, ISO 80, SS R$728.11
 90008017 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, ISO, 80, S/S R$2,486.52
 90008018 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, ISO, 80, S/S R$2,486.52
 90008019 Conexões FTG, TEE, ISO, 80, S/S R$3,607.58
 90008020 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, ISO, 80, S/S R$5,206.34
 90008021 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 80 A 63, S/S R$2,014.80
 90008173 Conexões FTG, CTR RING, ISO, 80, Buna & S/S R$586.55
 90009049 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BRANCO, ISO, 100, S/S R$831.29
 90009111 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 63 A 100, S/S R$2,257.14
 90009123 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 100 A 50, S/S R$2,095.45
 90009157 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, FURADO, ISO, 100, S/S R$778.85
 90009158 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 80 A 100, S/S R$2,338.07
 90009159 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, ISO, 100, S/S R$2,756.50
 90009173 Conexões FTG, CTR RING, ISO, 100, Buna e SS R$594.80
 90009203 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, ISO, 100, S/S R$2,580.99
 90009207 Conexões FTG, TEE, ISO, 100, S/S R$3,715.70
 90009211 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, ISO, 100, S/S R$5,568.97
 90011069 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 160 A 80, S/S R$3,540.07
 90011110 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 160 A 63, S/S R$2,770.04
 90011111 Conexões FTG, REDUTOR, ISO, 160 A 100, S/S R$2,756.50
 90501072 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT FMLE, NW10, S/S R$316.40
 90501073 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT FMLE, NW10, S/S R$325.55
 90501102 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT MACHO, NW16, S/S R$586.55
 90501103 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT MACHO, NW16 S/S R$619.60
 90501106 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT FMLE, NW16, S/S R$464.67
 90501107 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT FMLE, NW16, S/S R$336.87
 90501217 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT MACHO, NW25, S/S R$603.16
 90501218 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT MACHO, NW25, S/S R$644.34
 90501219 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/2 NPT MACHO, NW25, S/S R$661.68
 90501220 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 3/4 NPT MACHO, NW25, S/S R$856.77
 90501223 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT FMLE, NW25, S/S R$359.45
 90501224 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT FMLE, NW25, S/S R$359.45
 90501303 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT MACHO, NW40, S/S R$651.90
 90501304 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/2 NPT MACHO, NW40, S/S R$719.07
 90501305 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 3/4 NPT MACHO, NW40, S/S R$902.83
 90501306 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1 NPT MACHO, NW40, S/S R$1,076.30
 90501309 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT FMLE, NW40, S/S R$444.65
 90501310 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT FMLE, NW40, S/S R$444.65
 90501500 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT MACHO, NW50, S/S R$694.79
 90501502 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 3/4 NPT MACHO, NW50, S/S R$959.60
 90501503 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1 NPT MACHO, NW50, S/S R$1,158.60
 90501506 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/8 NPT FMLE, NW50, S/S R$535.88
 90501507 Conexões FTG, ADPT, 1/4 NPT FMLE, NW50, S/S R$535.88
 90504079 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 10, S/S R$199.92
 90504080 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 10, S/S R$261.45
 90504100 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 16, S/S R$199.92
 90504101 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 16, S/S R$261.45
 90504102 Conexões FTG, SOQUETE, SOLDA, NW 16, SS R$199.92
 90504103 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, NW, 16, S/S R$199.92
 90504222 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 25, S/S R$223.86
 90504223 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 25, S/S R$291.14
 90504323 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 40, S/S R$277.10
 90504324 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 40, S/S R$316.40
 90504325 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, NW, 40, S/S R$216.41
 90504350 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 50, S/S R$342.27
 90504351 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 50, S/S R$435.09
 90504353 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, NW, 50, S/S R$277.10
 90511311 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 10, S/S R$199.92
 90511316 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 10, S/S R$359.45
 90511396 Conexões FTG, Anel CTR, NW, 10, Buna & S/S R$122.40
 90512311 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 16, S/S R$199.92
 90512316 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 16, S/S R$383.00
 90512366 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BLANK, NW, 16, S/S R$164.43
 90512396 Conexões FTG, Anel CTR, NW, 16, Buna & S/S R$122.40
 90512403 Acessórios FTG, BRAÇADEIRA, DOBRADIÇA, NW, 10/16, ALUM R$136.90
 90512405 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, NW, 16, S/S R$619.60
 90512420 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, NW, 16, S/S R$552.94
 90512421 Conexões FTG, TEE, NW, 16, S/S R$719.07
 90512422 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, NW, 16, S/S R$938.21
 90514311 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 25, S/S R$223.86
 90514316 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 25, S/S R$372.87
 90514366 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BLANK, NW, 25, S/S R$172.62
 90514396 Conexões FTG, Anel CTR, NW, 25, Buna & S/S R$122.40
 90514403 Acessórios FTG, BRAÇADEIRA, DOBRADIÇA, NW, 25, ALUM R$172.62
 90514405 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, NW, 25, S/S R$685.69
 90514420 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, NW, 25, S/S R$594.80
 90514421 Conexões FTG, TEE, NW, 25, S/S R$796.65
 90514422 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, NW, 25, S/S R$1,076.30
 90514446 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 25 TO 10, S/S R$464.67
 90514447 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 25 TO 16, S/S R$464.67
 90516366 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BLANK, NW, 40, S/S R$254.86
 90516396 Conexões FTG, Anel CTR, NW, 40, Buna & S/S R$199.92
 90516403 Acessórios FTG, BRAÇADEIRA, DOBRADIÇA, NW, 40, ALUM R$199.92
 90516405 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, NW, 40, S/S R$945.32
 90516420 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, NW, 40, S/S R$719.07
 90516421 Conexões FTG, TEE, NW, 40, S/S R$867.97
 90516422 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, NW, 40, S/S R$1,415.85
 90516448 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 40 TO 16, S/S R$552.94
 90516449 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 40 TO 25, S/S R$594.80
 90516611 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 40, S/S R$254.86
 90516616 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 40, S/S R$561.47
 90517311 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, SHORT, NW, 50, S/S R$331.24
 90517316 Conexões FTG, STUB, WELD, LONG, NW, 50, S/S R$923.99
 90517366 Conexões FTG, FLANGE, BLANK, NW, 50, S/S R$298.31
 90517396 Conexões FTG, Anel CTR, NW, 50, Buna & S/S R$216.41
 90517403 Acessórios FTG, BRAÇADEIRA, DOBRADIÇA, NW, 50, ALUM R$270.73
 90517405 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 45 DEG, NW, 50, S/S R$1,002.88
 90517420 Conexões FTG, COTOVELO, 90 DEG, NW, 50, S/S R$874.85
 90517421 Conexões FTG, TEE, NW, 50, S/S R$1,158.60
 90517422 Conexões FTG, CROSS, 4 WAY, NW, 50, S/S R$1,813.57
 90517450 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 50 TO 16, S/S R$694.79
 90517452 Conexões FTG, REDUCER, NW, 50 TO 40, S/S R$786.64
 97158169 Conexões Ftg, O-Ring preso, ISO 80 R$464.67
 97158175 Conexões Ftg, O-Ring preso, ISO 40 R$383.00
 97158176 Conexões FTG, O-Ring TRAPPED, ISO, 63 R$424.91
 97158177 Conexões FTG, O-Ring TRAPPED, ISO100 R$594.80
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, Novo México 87109-5805 USA

Telefone: (505) 872-0037
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