Yamato INERT OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 95L 220V , Ovens, Ovens, PN DN-411IE
Yamato INERT OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 95L 220V , Ovens, Ovens, PN DN-411IE
These Yamato INERT OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 95L 220V have part number DN-411IE , are new, and come with full Yamato warranty. The Inert Oven is suitable for temperature test and heat treatment in a non-oxidizing environment. It does this by introducing N2 gas into the chamber, which is N2 gas flow amount controllable. It is standardly equipped with various operation modes such as program operation and calibration offset function, power failure recovery mode selection, and user configuration information saving.
More information about these Yamato INERT OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 95L 220V can be found by downloading the pdf catalog and documents below. Simply open the pdf catalog below, run the pdf search (ctrl F) and search for the DN-411IE .
Product: Yamato INERT OVEN PROGRAMMABLE 95L 220V , Ovens, Ovens, PN DN-411IE
Condition: New
Warranty: Yamato Warranty
Part Number: DN-411IE
Sale Price: €8,844.30
Currency Euro (Euro)
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