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Ideal Vacuum AutoExplor 软件高级版,年度续订许可证,适用于所有 ExploraVAC TVAC 热真空试验箱系统


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在 销售: NT$73,692.68

Ideal Vacuum AutoExplor 软件高级版,年度续订许可证,适用于所有 ExploraVAC TVAC 热真空试验箱系统 73692.68
货币: New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)


Ideal Vacuum AutoExplor 软件高级版,年度续订许可证,适用于所有 ExploraVAC TVAC 热真空测试室系统。

Ideal Vacuum 的AutoExplor ™ 软件是一款 Windows® 10 和 11 触摸屏应用程序,可以通过计算机或笔记本电脑控制任何 Ideal Vacuum ExploraVAC TVAC 热真空室仪器。 AutoExplor软件使操作员能够精确控制所有测试条件,并能够确认测试条件是否得到满足。 AutoExplor是一个独立的应用程序,不需要互联网连接。

此列表用于购买AutoExplor软件高级版许可证的年度续订。此续订只能由AutoExplor高级版许可证持有者(部件号P1012100 )购买。

Auto Explor高级版软件必须每年更新,否则它将恢复为具有最少激活功能的(未过期)基本版本(部件号P1012102 )。延长或未过期的高级版本许可证可享受折扣。一些购买者可能有资格获得其他折扣。请与您的销售代表联系。

该软件与单独的ExploraVAC TVAC 系统相连。每个ExploraVAC TVAC 仪器都需要单独的软件许可证。该软件可以安装在任意数量的 Windows 计算机上,以远程操作其许可的特定仪器。 Auto Explor软件是一个独立的应用程序,不需要互联网连接。

  • 手动设备控制
  • 系统行为的实时图形化
  • 服务和预防性维护计划警报
  • 系统故障排除通知
  • 逐步复杂的配方创建
  • 自动化配方控制
  • 同时控制多个设备的设定点和斜坡率
  • 数据记录(3种)
  • 从日志文件生成环境 TVAC 测试报告
  • 用于网络客户端的AutoExplor IP 客户端
  • AutoExplor API用于集成到用户软件(即 LabView™)中
  • 免费的次要软件更新(如有)
  • 简单的在线年度续订

高级版AutoExplor软件包含基本软件包的所有功能,并添加了自动配方控制、数据记录和日志导出功能。复杂的测试配方可以创建为分步过程,其中每个步骤都可以控制多个设备的开/关状态、设定点和斜坡率。可以使用逻辑运算符来设置每个配方步骤的一个或多个结束条件。高级版本允许用户从配方数据日志文件快速生成环境 TVAC 测试报告。可以查看日志以确保实现目标工艺参数。高级版本还包括AutoExplor IP 客户端(它使该软件能够用作可以管理多个外部网络客户端的主机)和AutoExplor API (应用程序编程接口),它允许科学家或程序员将ExploraVac仪器集成到他们现有的软件测试套件,而不使用AutoExplor 的软件界面。

* AutoExplor 软件保修按照用户手册(在下面下载)。 LabView 是美国国家仪器公司的商标。


The Home Screen is the landing page of AutoExplor software. It offers manual control of all components in the ExploraVAC system and has four main sections: manual controls, setpoint controllers and readouts, running graph, and device tiles. The manual controls section allows the user to power the system and turn major ExploraVAC subsystems on and off. The setpoint controllers and readouts section, beneath the manual controls, allow setpoints, ramp rates, and soak times to be defined for controllable subsystems. These could include pressure, platen temperature, and/or chamber temperature. The Additional Readouts box shows other system data such as sample temperatures. The running graph section provides live graphical data streaming so that the user can readily visualize system and device behavior. The device tiles section is useful for monitoring individual system components. The current state (on/off) of all installed devices are displayed here, and each device has an associated data card which shows its current operating parameters.

The premium version Recipe Creation section facilitates designing new recipes and updating existing recipes. Recipes are created in a step-by-step process, where each step has its own set of device setpoint, ramp rate, and stated conditions. The conditions dictate when the system moves to the next step. The left column shows all the devices and controls installed on the system. This column indicates which subsystems are used by the recipe (subsystem icons in green), and which ones are not (device icons in white). This section can be collapsed to only show the controls being used by the recipe. The main center section is a scrollable zone which shows each independent step. Below, Step 1 is selected. There is a rectangle in each control row to show which controls are active for that step. Recipe steps are fully programmable to meet any series of unique test condition requirements, including step looping and logical condition grouping (multiple conditions can be joined together with AND or OR to meet the test condition requirements).

The premium version Data Logging section allows the operator to configure what test data will be captured and stored. This section is also used to open and analyze existing data log files, where the operator can view the results of previously completed test recipes. By toggling through each distinct step of the recipe, the user can see the required conditions that must be met along with each step's estimated run time. The graphic panel area displays a color coordinated curve for each active sensor, along with the actual versus targeted readout values as a function of time.

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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, 新墨西哥 87109-5805 USA

电话: (505) 872-0037
传真: (505) 872-9001

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