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Edwards nXR Multi Stage Roots Pumps On Sale Agilent IDP-7 Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps On Sale Agilent Varian Helium Leak Detectors On Sale Pfeiffer ASM340 Leak Detectors On Sale Edwards nEXT300D TStations On Sale Ideal Vacuum XGC-320 Portable Digital Thermocouple Controllers On Sale

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× Vacuum Pumps Modular Vacuum Chambers Stainless Steel Vacuum Chambers Aluminum Vacuum Chambers ExploraVAC Unlimited Chambers ExploraVAC TVAC Systems Fittings and Flanges Feedthroughs Vacuum Valves Rebuild Kits, Parts, And Motors Vacuum Fluids, Oils, and Greases Turbo Pumps And Controllers Filters Traps and Silencers Convection and Vacuum Ovens Leak Detection and RGA Vacuum Pressure Measurement Recirculating Chillers And Water Baths

 Agilent Varian PN


Our PN

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 331001074 TC, 531, 4VCR, FEMALE, APPLIED, LASER WELD Kč6,694.95
 83783302VM TC GAUGE W/ FLANGE, CF, 2.75in, D-SIDE, ASSY Kč10,832.45(being discontinued)
 F0472301 p101658 Thermocouple vacuum gauge Kč3,986.84(being discontinued)
 F0472303 P109826 TC, 531, 1/8in NPT, S/S, 304L, LASER WELD Kč4,362.93(being discontinued)
 F0472309 TC531, SST, 1.33inMINI CFF, ROTATABLE, LASER Kč6,807.78(being discontinued)
 F0472310 P1010062 TC, 531, S/S, 4VCR, FEMALE Kč6,770.17(being discontinued)
 F0472314 TC, 531, NW25 KF, LASER WELD Kč6,130.81(being discontinued)
 F0472315 P1010063 TC, 531, NW16 KF, S/S, LASER Kč6,168.42(being discontinued)
 L6141303 P104117 TC, 536, S/S, 1/8in NPT, W/BAFFLE, LASER WELD Kč4,814.47(being discontinued)
 L6141304 P104118 TC, 536, 1.33in CFF, ROTATABLE, LASER Kč7,710.64(being discontinued)
 L6141305 P104116 TC, 536, S/S, 4 VCR, FEMALE Kč6,920.61(being discontinued)
 L6141307 P104119 TC, 536, NW-10 KF Kč6,130.81(being discontinued)
 L6141308 P104171 TC, 536, NW-16 KF Kč6,130.81(being discontinued)
 L6141309 P104120 TC, 536, NW-25 KF, LASER WELD Kč6,130.81(being discontinued)
 L6141310 TC, 536, 2.75 CFF, 4in STUB BAKABLE TO 200C Kč9,403.06(being discontinued)
 L7382301 P104617 Convectorr Simulator, W/CERT of CONF Kč14,518.41(being discontinued)
 L7383301 P1011355 TC Simulator, with CERT of Conformance Kč12,035.96(being discontinued)
 L9090301 P104150 TC, CONVECTORR, 1/8in NPT, P-TYPE, LASER Kč7,183.87(being discontinued)
 L9090302 P104151 TC, CONVECTORR, 1.33in, P-TYPE, LASER Kč8,914.14(being discontinued)
 L9090305 P104152 TC, CONVECTORR, KF16, P-TYPE, LASER Kč8,914.14(being discontinued)
 L9090306 P104153 TC, CONVECTORR, NW25KF, P-TYPE, LASER Kč9,139.80(being discontinued)
 MSPLIB1918 P1011450 TC, CONVECTORR, 4VCO, FEMALE, P-TYPE Kč16,323.67(being discontinued)
 X3001-60001 RGC 100 T Digital Gauge OEM Version Kč28,247.49(being discontinued)
 X3001-60002 Thermocouple Cable 4 feet 6 Inches Long Kč1,474.38(being discontinued)
 X3001-60003 Thermocouple Cable 7 feet 10 Inches Kč1,777.80(being discontinued)
 X3001-60005 RGC100 Torr, 536 NPT, No Power Cord Kč21,883.64(being discontinued)
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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-5805 USA

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