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Edwards TAV5 24 VDC 常开 NO 通风阀,带附件连接器,适用于带 G 1/8 英寸接头的 nEXT 涡轮泵。编号:B8G200834

  Full Manufacturer's Warranty

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销售: NT$32,418.97

Edwards TAV5 24 VDC 常开 NO 通风阀,带附件连接器,适用于带 G 1/8 英寸接头的 nEXT 涡轮泵。编号:B8G200834 32418.97
货币: New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)


Edwards TAV5 通风阀,附件连接器,适用于 nEXT85D、nEXT730D、nEXT930D 和 nEXT1230H 涡轮泵,24 VDC,常开 (NO),G 1/8 英寸接头。

这款 Edwards TAV5 排气阀可用于 nEXT85D、nEXT730D、nEXT930D 和 nEXT1230H 涡轮泵。这是一个常开 (NO) 阀,工作电压为 24 VDC。该 TAV5 电磁阀配有 0.3 米长的电源线,端接用于连接到泵的附件端口的附件连接器,并具有用于连接到泵的排气口的 G 1/8" (BSPP) 接头。该阀配置为由泵的板载控制器驱动。该常开阀可用作停电排气阀。当发生停电时,该阀门关闭并对泵和前级真空管路进行排气,从而防止油蒸气从泵中扩散回来。对于具有 3 针 Phoenix 连接器插座而不是 4 针附件端口的 nEXT 240D、nEXT300D 或 nEXT400D 泵,请使用零件号 P105358 的 TAV5 阀门。

TAV5 排气阀具有 0.5 毫米直径的孔口,适用于 <5 升的小型真空系统的排气(对于较大的系统容量,请使用孔径为 1.0 毫米的 TAV6 排气阀,零件号 P106355)。 TAV5 排气阀可以取代涡轮分子泵随附的手动排气阀,或者安装到涡轮分子泵上游真空系统上的任何其他合适的端口中。该阀门配有一根 0.3 米长的电源线,端接一个附件连接器、一个烧结青铜入口过滤器、一个用于连接干燥氮气源的波纹软管连接器,以及一个用于可选直接连接到真空系统的 DN10NW 适配器。此 TAV5 常开 (NO) 电磁排气阀的 Edwards 零件号为 B8G200834。

该 TAV5 常开排气阀适用于:
  • nEXT85D
  • nEXT730D
  • nEXT930D
  • nEXT1230H


    The TAV5 Vent-Valve Can be Used:
  • In place of the manual vent valve on the EXT or nEXT series turbo pumps
  • Solenoid valve connected to a convenient flange on your vacuum system

0 Vent valve opens fully below 50% full rotational speed for either Stop command or Fail. (This is the factory default setting.)
1 Controlled venting from 100% to 50% full rotational speed; vent valve opens fully below 50% for either Stop command or Fail.
2 Vent valve fully opens immediately Stop command is received; vent valve opens fully below 50% full rotational speed if Fail.
3 Vent valve fully opens immediately Stop command is received; controlled venting from 100% to 50% full rotational speed if Fail then vent valve opens fully below 50%.
4 Vent valve fully opens immediately if Fail; vent valve opens fully below 50% full rotational speed if Stop.
5 Vent valve fully opens immediately if Fail; controlled venting from 100% to 50% full rotational speed if Stop command received then vent valve opens fully below 50%.
6.7 Vent valve fully opens immediately for either Stop command or Fail.

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Ideal Vacuum Products , LLC
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE
Albuquerque, 新墨西哥 87109-5805 USA

电话: (505) 872-0037
传真: (505) 872-9001

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